Check back here for more details in the future, but definitely mark your calendar for this great event for the whole family to enjoy! Don't miss it on October 29th & 30th at The Farm at 417 E. Union, right next to Save-A-Lot.
For those of you who unfortunately missed the 2010 Pearl Fest event, we now have pictures taken throughout the day of the event compliments of Dana Burrows Denny. Cultural Crossroads Pearl Fest Pics 2010.
Be sure to comment on any post and let us know what you think or if you have additional information to add. You can find the comment link at the bottom of every post.
Welcome to the official blog of Cultural Crossroads of Minden, LA. We are excited about offering this blog so you'll be able to keep up with what's new and going on with the organization. Check back often to be in the know.