Friday, September 18, 2009

Arts In Education Residency

Beginning September 14, students will begin reading abridged versions of The Grapes of Wrath and working on lessons that bring the book to life through imaginary "Letters From Home" about the people who were put to work through the WPA, the CCC, and other New Deal initiatives in North Louisiana.

Hear from some teachers already engaged in the program:
Webster Jr. High-Malinda Beardon:
"Today we listened to the interview with the three Thornton sisters (ranging in age from 105 to 115 and interviewed over the summer by Chris Broussard) from Webster parish. The Thornton sisters held their attention. My kids were disappointed when the bell rang for lunch! They loved it!"

Glenbrook School-Lyn Stubbs:
"Tomorow we will begin reviewing the Great Depression with our 8th graders. Another teacher (Leigh Ann Pruitt) found great Jeopardy games on Power Point, which they'll play after I review the Great Depression with them. Tuesday we'll talk about the Hobo symbols and have the students pick out their favorite one and write why they chose it. Thursday and Friday we'll probably watch the American Girl movie, which takes place during the Great Depression."

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